At least 90% of Big Al’s posts on LinkedIn give the prompts that were used to create the images. He has two goals for his posts: 1. Educate people on prompting; and 2. Expose them to an increased list of subject matter and use for A.I. imaging.
Because of his vast ad agency experience, he has provided training courses to ad agency creative departments on the use of prompt-to-image programs including the A.I. capabilities of Adobe Photoshop 2024. Courses are also available for individuals.
Here are four examples of available courses, but Big Al is willing to prepare courses on using A.I. programs to meet your specific needs. Courses are taught in live video sessions where participants are encouraged to ask questions. A course session is usually an hour long and it is recommended to have at least two training sessions. Some agencies have asked for an additional session after a couple weeks of participants using A.I. programs for Q&A.

Available Books
The book called “A.I. Explore: Snack Sized Prompts and $5 Words” and discusses the value in studying one-word prompts. By doing so, you learn how that one word effects the results of an image and therefore you have a better understanding of how it influences a result in a longer prompt. That way you are less likely to be surprised by the results or worse yet, be disappointed.
The second book is a collaboration of 10 people called “A.I. Explore 2: Collaborations.” Each person has written a prompting lesson. Big Al’s is on “Experimenting.”
These two books and other Brian Sykes books are available at: https://www.aiexplore.co.